



2,996  Killed


6,000 Injured

“One of the worst days in America’s history saw some of the bravest acts in Americans’ history. We’ll always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place, we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifice.”
—President George W. Bush



Warm up: 2 rounds - 250 row or ski, 10 squats, 10 plank jack with push up


3 rounds:

:60 squat clean singles, increase weight each round if possible, ONLY if form is solid

:60 double under practice

:60 barbell roll outs

:60 rest


For time:

800 meter run

21 dumbbell push press

400 meter run

15 dumbbell push press

200 meter run

9 dumbbell push press


3 rounds:

:45 plank

20 hollow rocks




Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 bar hang, :30 arrested superman hold, :30 squat hold; Mobility  

12 minute EMOM:

1st: :30 toes to bar

2nd: :30 alternating dumbbell snatches

3rd: :30 hollow hold, weighted if possible

2:00 rest

12:00 EMOM:

1st: 100 meter sprint

2nd: 7 burpee box jump overs

3rd: 10 pull ups

2:00 rest

12:00 EMOM

1st: 40m tough farmers carry

2nd: :30 weighted sit ups

3rd: :30 row, bike, or ski, max effort




Warm up: 2 rounds - 200 meter run, 10 simba squats, 20 total plank march ; Mobility

Every :90 for 4 sets:

1st: 5 back squats, 20x1 tempo

2nd: 6-8 alternating KB rows, 20x1 tempo


1 round, 15 minute time cap:

40 goblet squats

15 hand-release push ups

30 wall balls

15 hand-release push ups

20 alternating reverse goblet lunges

15 hand-release push ups

10 dumbbell thrusters

15 hand-release push ups


3 rounds:

20 quadruped hip extensions per side

:30 flutter kicks






Warm up: 2 rounds – 20 m bear crawl, 20 m crab walk, 10 m inch worms; Mobility

10 minute EMOM:

1st: 5-6 dumbbell bench press,

2nd: :30 banded or weighted plank


3 rounds:

21 deadlifts, 135/95

15 toes to bar

9 box jumps


Accumulate a total of:

50 side plank rotations (25/side)

50 tricep kickbacks

50 alternating bicep curls

Monday September 10


Warm up: 2 rounds - 250 row or ski, 10 squats, 10 plank jack with push up


3 rounds:

:60 Dumbell squat cleans

:60 dumbbell snatches

:60 lunges with dumbbells

:60 rest


800 meter run


400 meter run


200 meter run



3 rounds:

:45 plank

20 hollow rocks



Tuesday 9/11


Warm up: 2 rounds - :30 bar hang, :30 arrested superman hold, :30 squat hold; Mobility  

12 minute EMOM:

1st: :30 flutter kicks

2nd: :30 frog jumps

3rd: :30 hollow hold

2:00 rest

12:00 EMOM:

1st: 100 meter sprint

2nd: 14 weighted step up

3rd: 10 ring rows

2:00 rest

12:00 EMOM

1st: :30 glute bridges

2nd: :30 weighted sit ups

3rd: :30 row, bike, or ski, max effort


Wednesday 9/12


Warm up: 2 rounds - 200 meter run, 10 simba squats, 20 total plank march ; Mobility

For 12:00:

3:00 row

2:00 bike or ski

1:00 rest


1 round, 15 minute time cap:

40 goblet squats

15 dumbbell push press

30 goblet squats

15 dumbbell push press

20 goblet squats

15 dumbbell push press

10 goblet squats

15 dumbbell push press


3 rounds:

20 quadruped hip extensions per side

30 shoulder taps


Thursday 9/13


Warm up: 2 rounds – 20 m bear crawl, 20 m crab walk, 10 m inch worms; Mobility

10 minute EMOM:

1st: :30 L-sit dumbbell press

2nd: :30 bent over rows


3 rounds:

21 Kettlebell deadlifts

15 knees to elbow

9 elevator planks


Accumulate a total of:

50 side plank rotations (25/side)

50 tricep kickbacks

50 alternating bicep curls



Friday September 14

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike@easy pace

Mobility- coach led

2 rounds of [ :30 air squats + :30 jumping jacks + :30 mounting climbers]


AMRAP in 10:00 with a partner, partners alternate movements:

200m run or 250m row

16 alternating 1-arm kettlebell swings

20 weighted sit ups


For 8:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:

800m row

40 burpees

Max wall balls in the remaining time


For time as an individual:

50 1-arm dumbbell hang clean and jerks

30 row/bike/ski calories

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