Monday October 24

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike @easy pace


2 rounds of [10 goblet squats + 10 bird dogs]


Every :90 for 5 sets:

1st: 4-6 front squats, 20x1

2nd: 40m tough farmers carry


For time:

400m run

50 thrusters, 35/45

30 pull ups or ring rows

400m run


Not for time:

Accumulate 2:30 front leaning rest

Tuesday October 25

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike @easy pace


2 rounds of [10 hand-release push ups + 5 dragon flags]


A1. 2 push press + 1 push jerk, 4x1, :60 rest

A2. :60 double under practice or rope climbs, :60 rest


AMRAP in 10:00

250m row

5/side 1-arm kettlebell snatches

40 double unders or 80 singles

3 wall walks


2 rounds not for time:

10-15 light band pull aparts

10-15 light banded good mornings

Wednesday October 26

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike @easy pace


2 rounds of [5 snatch balance + 5 inchworms]


A. 1 hang snatch + 3 overhead squats, 1-1-1-1, 2:00 rest

B. Ring dips (use assistance if needed), 3x6-8, :60 rest


10 sets for reps:

:20 air squats

:10 rest


:60 rest


For time:

400m run


2 rounds not for time:

:30 flutter kicks

10-15 hip extensions

Thursday October 27

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike @easy pace


2 rounds of [10 broad jumps + :20-:30 handstand or tripod hold]


A. Power clean, build to a tough single in 10:00


For 16:00

1st: 8 touch and go deadlifts, moderate

2nd: 8-10 toes to bar

3rd: 250m row or 200m run

4th: rest


Not for time:

200m tough 1-arm farmers carry, switch sides as needed but goal is to not put down KB

Friday October 28

A. Max out Friday


AMRAP in 10:00 with a partner, partners alternate movements:

10 pull ups or ring rows

12 burpees

15 tough kettlebell swings

Saturday October 29

10:00 warm up

row/run/bike @easy pace


2 rounds of [10 alternating lunges + 3 wall walks]


A. Dumbbell see-saw bench press, (non-working arm stays at lockout), 3x10-12 alternating,

2:00 rest

B. Strict pull ups or ring rows, 3x8-10 @20x1 tempo, :90 rest


4 sets for reps:

:60 wall balls, 20 to 10’/14 to 9’

:60 wall walks

:60 box jumps

:60 rest


Bis, tris, and abs of choice

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